Patch 2.0.2 och Hotfixes
Efter den omtalande uppdateringen av Diablo 3, till vad många anser det bättre, kommer nu en mindre patch och hotfixes som tar i tur med diverse buggar och problem. Klicka på Läs mer för att ta del av listan över uppdateringarna.
Diablo III Patch 2.0.2 – v2.0.2.22274
- Experience requirements for Paragon 500 and above have been increased
- Disabled sound notifications for Clan and Community chat
Bug Fixes
- Gold can once again be purchased and sold on the Real Money Auction House
- Level 60 Crafted Amulets now properly require Fiery Brimstone to craft
- Sokahr the Keywarden now reflects a more reasonable amount of damage with his whirlwind attack
- The portal leading from the second Hell Rift to the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier now functions properly
- The experience bar has been removed from the Followers UI
- The Siegebreaker Assault Beast no longer performs other actions during his grab attack animation
Last Updated – March 4th. Items with an asterisk (*) are most recent.
- The experience bonus for completing a quest the first time and the first time after hitting the ”Reset Quests” button has been increased.*
- The rewards for repeatedly completing the same quest (without utilizing the ”Reset Quests” button) have been reduced.*
- Increased the frequency of Cursed Chest spawns in areas where they were not previously spawning.*
- Reduced the frequency of Cursed Chest spawns in areas where they were spawning too frequently.*
- Followers and Heroes no longer play their ”Level Up” voice over upon receiving experience.*
- Resolved a crash that can occur if too many projectiles are caught in a Missile Dampening affix*
- Reduced the frequency of certain monster Meteor spells*
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from selling items that were equipped on their character prior to the 2.0.1 update.
- Reduced the amount of experience granted by rescuing Caldeum Refugees.
- Reduced the amount of experience granted by subsequent completions of the quest associated with killing Mira Eamon.
- The game should once again automatically log you out after extended idling.
Reduced the frequency of chest spawns in areas that were previously a little too generous.