Leonard Boyarsky om Diablo 3

leonard-boyarskyDen nyzeeländska sajten Gameplanet fortsätter genomföra intressanta intervjuer med nyckelpersoner hos Blizzard.

Den här gången bjuds vi på en intervju med Blizzards egna Senior World Designer Leonard Boyarsky, vars huvudsakliga uppgift är att designa världen i Diablo 3. Läs hela intervjun på Gameplanet.

Gameplanet: What do you see as the original Diablo’s contribution to gaming?

Boyarsky: It totally reinvigorated the action RPG genre, there’s really nothing like it on the PC for the most part, it really took the world by storm. It was a breath of fresh air. The original, especially, just had this great horror vibe to it that you really didn’t get from fantasy RPGs a lot. It was a really different take on the genre.