Hur tänker du bygga din karaktär?

forumkoll Trots att Diablo 3 inte ens befinner sig betastadiet har folk redan börjat planera hur de ska bygga sina karaktärer.

Även Bashiok avslöjar hur han tänker bygga sin barbar. Han planerar att bygga en barbar som regenererar fury på samma sätt som en barbar stal mana i Diablo 2.

Well currently I’ve been sort of thinking about a Whirlwind build (not super original I know), but Whirlwind is a ’draggable’ skill now. You can control it by holding down the mouse button and direct yourself around, same as walking around (although it’s a slower turn radius). Which makes it way more awesomer, obviously; the offset is it chews through Fury like woah.

I want to see if it’s possible to make a viable infinite Fury regen build to feed it. Ideally truly infinite Fury isn’t possible, but the bigger challenge is the viable bit. Stacking regen is possible, but potentially sacrificing damage output or reduction could make it really boring, or just unusable.

Vi får också reda på barbarens klassiska färdighet whirlwind kommer gå att styra under tiden som man virvlar runt.