Diablo 3 Beta Patch 8

blizzardInatt släpptes den åttonde patchen till betan av Diablo 3. Förutom förväntade klass-balanseringar och generella förändringar orsakade den nya patchen även problem med budgivningen på auktionshuset för riktiga pengar.

Diablo III Beta Patch 8 – v.


  • Battle.net BattleTags are now live! To learn more about BattleTags and how to set up yours today, check out the official FAQ (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4132437). Please note that in order to log into the Diablo III beta, you must create a BattleTag via Account Management.
  • Due to a change in the way we store character data, all characters have been wiped. Please note that this wipe will also affect gold, achievements, followers, and artisans.
  • Achievements have been temporarily disabled and will not be available again until a future patch. During this time, characters will be unable to earn new achievements or complete any additional objectives of achievements in progress.
  • Players will now see recommended items for their active character when accessing the auction house Search tab.
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