Diablo 3 är inte Diablo 2
Ännu en tråd har dykt upp på bnet-forumet där man resonerar kring Diablo 3 som om det vore en grafiskt uppdaterad version av Diablo 2. Oavsett hur kära minnen man har från Diablo 2 är det viktigt att komma ihåg att Blizzard utverklar ett nytt spel och inte en re-make av en gammal favorit.
OK, so ”followers” are there to get casual players interested in co-op. Fine. But there are two things that happened here:
1. Mercenaries were removed
2. Followers were added to aid players in normal
The logic for 2 was addressed, but not the logic for 1, which was the OP’s major issue.
If we were remaking Diablo II that would be a good point. But this is Diablo III. We can’t remove something that was never there.