Town portals tillbaka i Diablo 3?

forumkoll Samtidigt som värmeböljan sköjer in över Sverige verkar nyhetstorkan i Diablo 3-världen vara över för den här gången.

Dagens stora nyhet är ett uttalande från Bashiok som tyder på att town portals kommer att göra en come back i Diablo 3. Tidigare har det sagts att waypoints kommer vara det huvudsakliga sättet att transportera sig på. Nu verkar det som att Blizzard har tänkt om. Igen.

Dessutom kommer det att finnas ett sätt att teleportera sig till sina vänner när man kommer in i ett spel. Vi har sett något liknande i World of Warcraft där man kunde summona spelare till sitt party oavsett var man befann sig i världen.

Ok Town Portal is out of the game (Good) But what if i join a game and want to play with peoplethat already playing, i need take near waypoint and walk all the way to meet others? We cannot have a one side TP? Or ideas? Looking for a Blizz qod on that if possible.

We’ve always been trying to see if we can create a better system than town portals, making waypoints the main travel back to town mechanic. But, it’s looking like it’s just simply more fun and a quality-of-life-nicety to be able to jump back to town from anywhere even if waypoints are all over the place. Plus it’s not really that hard to avoid the few pitfalls that TPs in Diablo II had.

But what if i join a game and want to play with peoplethat already playing, i need take near waypoint and walk all the way to meet others? We cannot have a one side TP? Or ideas?

There is actually a mechanic that allows you to jump from town (one-way) to any other player in the game.

Please elaborate. It sounds like even with the alpha happening, you guys are still in hardcore development mode.

We’ll be developing the game up until release, and then likely well after. ;)

IMO, get rid of the scroll of wealth, since with town portals it’s useless.

We haven’t had those for a while, although we do have another mechanic to sell items while out and about. Also I never said you can just use them anywhere anytime as much as you want. :)