PTR och RoS betan stängs ner

blizzardBlizzard meddelar att betan för Reaper of Souls samt PTR för patch 2.0.1 kommer att stängas ner under kvällen. Alla tester inför den kommande expansionen och uppdateringen är nu genomförda.

In preparation for the launch of patch 2.0.1, the Reaper of Souls™ Beta and Patch 2.0.1 PTR servers will be brought offline this evening at 5:00 p.m. PT. At that time, players will no longer be able to log in to the Beta or PTR client, all Beta and PTR accounts (including character information) will be reset, and both our Beta forums and PTR forums will be marked as read-only.

We’d like to thank everyone who has participated in the Reaper of Souls Beta and Patch 2.0.1 PTR. You’ve done an amazing job of testing, and we greatly appreciate all of the feedback you provided during this critical phase of development.

We look forward to releasing patch 2.0.1 to public shortly and encourage everyone to stay tuned to this website for exciting news and updates regarding the upcoming launch of Reaper of Souls!