Patch 13 släpps förhoppningsvis i helgen

blizzardBlizzardsCommunity Manager Lylirra meddelar att patch 13 förmodligen kommer att släppas till helgen. Samtliga karaktärer, guld, föremål och artisans kommer att raderas i samband med uppdateringen.

We’re currently in the process of preparing the next beta patch for release and wanted to provide all beta testers with a heads-up that a character wipe will be included. Please note that, as with previous character wipes, this wipe will also affect gold, items, followers, and artisans. (Beta Bucks will be reset, as well.)

We’re hoping to release Beta Patch 13 before the weekend, but we don’t yet have a precise ETA. As always, we’ll provide more information as it becomes available, and patch notes will be posted here once the patch is live.

Thanks for your continued feedback and testing!