Nytt innehåll till Diablo 3 på konsol
Blizzard meddelar att man planerar att släppa nytt innehåll till konsolversionen av Diablo 3. När detta sker är fortfarande oklart.
We really appreciate when people take the time to explain why they are not having fun or why they struggling to find motivation to play, so thanks a ton for the constructive feedback :-)
– Admittedly i’ve only completed it in normal mode and I understand there are the other harder modes but…honestly….im struggling to find the motivation to play it all over again.
In regards to this part, it should hopefully come as good news that we are looking into improving the Diablo III console experience by giving players even more reasons to continue playing after having reached the endgame. There is not yet much information available though, if anything in particular has been planned for the endgame on the console version, but I do know that several things are being explored currently in regards to this. Hopefully we will be able to share more information about this soon :-)