Mystiska ledtrådar på Blizzards kontor?
Till konspirationsteoretikerna stora förtjusning kommer här en nyhet som skapar mer frågor än den ger svar. KuangTu, från en av fansidorna som besökte Blizzard för några veckor sedan, upptäckte ett gäng märkliga symboler utspridda på olika platser på Blizzards kontor. Symboler vars ursprung eller innebörd ingen tycks känna till, inte ens de på Blizzard. Såhär skriver han om det hela:
During the trip to Blizzard at the end of April, I’ve seen some mysterious symbols posted all over Blizzard building interiors. These symbols don’t seem to belong to any currently known Blizzard games.
More interesting thing is….when I asked her about the strange mark, our tour guide told me that the symbol I mentioned to her wasn’t even there that morning. It just appeared during the day. (Well, of course someone put it there, but it shows how new these symbols are.)
We saw those symbols everywhere, in the main lobby, the library, dining room, even on the elevator door! I was luckily to wait around to see the door closed when got off the elevator. They appear in different colors sometimes, but mainly black. There are about 3-4 types of symbols.
I’m not sure if the fourth one is in the same series. So, what do you think? Are they some kind of special symbol for Blizzard 20th anniversary only, or it’s the symbols for the races in Blizzard new game ”Titian”?!
Vad betyder dessa symboler? Är det här bara ett PR-trick för att skapa en hype riktad mot Blizzard eller finns det någon substans i Titan-ryktet? Vad tror ni?