Klass-specifika resurssystem
Efter en lång tids inaktivitet vaknade Diablos-twitterkonto äntligen till liv igen. Några av frågorna som ställdes rörde bl.a Demon Hunters (???), Barbarians (rage) och Wizards (mana) resurs-system. Övriga frågor handlade om introduktionsfilmerna för de olika klasserna.
Will you ever do videos for the other classes like you did for Demon Hunter? It would be AMAZING!
We did one for the wizard and monk as well: http://ow.ly/5CE1g
Oh, right, I didn’t see them. =x But what about a Barbarian and a Witch Doctor cinematic?
Those classes were introduced with the original announcement of Diablo III, so we didn’t make ’reveal’ videos for them.
Any updates on the Demon Hunter resource system?
It’s in, it’s working, and we’ll be ready to share more starting next month.
There have been a number of changes to both, but current iterations have been stable for a while and are working quite well.