Klaner & Communities i Diablo 3

d3_iconI och med expansionen Reaper of Souls samt patch 2.0.1 introducerar Blizzard ett smidigare sätt att hålla kontakten mellan spelarna, något de valt att kalla för Clans & Communities. Alla ni som hjälper Blizzard med att testa det nya spelinnehållet, antingen på PTR eller i betan, kan ansöka om medlemskap i klanen Sverige där många av SvenskaDiablos medlemmar huserar.

To better enable players to find and play with others who share similar interests, two new social features have been added to Diablo III: Clans and Communities.

Anyone can create or join a Clan, and doing so will give you access to the Clan window (default hotkey N) and display your clan tag next to your name. In the Clan window, you’ll find a Members roster, a private chat channel, and a News & Info tab where Clan affairs and information can be posted for all members to read. Clans can support a large number of players with a currently undetermined cap and require an invitation to join.

In addition to Clans, players will also be able to join Communities. Like Clans, each Community has a Members roster, a designated chat channel, and a News & Info tab where stories and a Community description can be posted. While you are only able to join a single Clan, you can join multiple different Communities. Additionally, Communities can be designated as Public or Private, are organized by categories (such as Classes, Regional, and Game Type) and allow a nearly unlimited number of players, making them a great option for meeting new people outside your Clan!

Jag vill också passa på att säga hej till alla och tacka Kajan för det nobla uppdraget att hjälpa till med att skriva för SvenskaDiablo.se!