Den nya kart-funktionen i Diablo 3

minimapFör att förhindra att spelare använder kart-fuktionen på felaktigt sätt, dvs använder markören på minikartan för att navigera sig genom banorna, fungerar kartan i Diablo 3 annorlunda. I dagsläget kan man varken använda färdigheter eller navigera sin karaktär under tiden som kartan är påslagen.

You are very much correct in your statement that this was a deliberate design choice. We did not want to have the Diablo II scenario where people just stared at a dot on a map to guide themselves through an area. We made the map full screen, completely opaque and prevented commands from being sent while it is open to stop this from occurring. We also like the concept that your character has to take a few moments and stop so that they can get their bearings :)