Intervju med författaren av Book of Cain har gjort en sammanfattning av The Book of Cain där de även har lagt upp en intervju med Blizzards Senior writer Micky Neilson, en av de huvudansvariga för boken.

I intervjun pratar de bland annat om svårigheterna med att skapa alla de små pusselbitarna som saknades i Diablos och Sanctuarys historia.

DF: What would you say was the biggest obstacle in writing this book?

Micky Neilson: The sheer amount of information. What I mean by that is not only organizing everything so that it makes sense and if you look back before this book, at Diablo’s history, there was a lot of information, there was information that at times was contradictory, there was a lot of information that was potentially confusing. Not only condensing that into 148 pages but making sure that it did make sense in clearing up any contradictions that may have existed.