Ingen hardcore i Diablo 3?
Ibland kan det vara svårt att veta om Blizzard-anställda från olika avdelningar på företaget är pålästa om varandras titlar eller ej.
En blå post från Kaivax på battle.nets-forum har bidragit till en del förvirring kring huruvida hardcore kommer finnas i Diablo 3 eller inte. Har Blizzard gjort en helomvändning och tagit bort hardcore ur spelet eller är det hela bara ett missförstånd?
just a quick question : Basically did you play D2 on hardcore mode? are you gonna play D3 on hardcore mode? (if it is an option?)
What are the advantages of playing in hardcore mode? versus softcore mode? – (I presume more excitement)
Yes, I played D2 on hardcore mode a lot. I will definitely play D3 on hardcore mode (if it is an option).
The advantage of hardcore mode, to me, is that it raises my awareness of everything going on in the game quite a bit, and (at least feels like) it elevates my response to threat and streamlines my risk aversion. Playing hardcore is the only way to train my brain to treat my non-hardcore characters as though they are important and need to be operated at the highest levels of output.
The downside to this sort of play, for me, is that it makes me quite risk averse, and madly bowling into a bad situation can be a lot of fun (on a non-hardcore character).