Hur svårt blir Inferno?

blizzardI förra veckan rapporterade vi om den gradvis ökande svårighetsgraden i Inferno. Nyhet togs väl emot och oron över att Diablo 3 inte skulle bli tillräckligt svårt lugnades en aning. Idag släppte Bashiok ytterligare information på ämnet.

With the recent revelation of the beginning of Inferno becoming slightly easier, did the rest become harder in compensation?

Yes, the Acts each get significantly more difficult than they were before when it was all one level. The beginning of Inferno is not any easier than it was before. We’ve only made Inferno harder.

Ytterligare detaljer, som postades i det officiella forumet under dagen, tyder på att Inferno kan bli mycket svårare än många hittills trott. Monsternivån har höjts till lvl 65 och det pratas även om att det ska ta flera månader att klara inferno.

I just wrote like three pages of a reply and the forums lost it when I clicked Preview. … *cry*

Ok what it boiled down to was:

  • Read my previous post. It seems like some people glossed over it.
  • I’m happy most of you are happy about the change, and I know you’re going to love the game.
  • Those few of you who don’t like it, you’ll love the game too because you’re wrong. 
  • Item pools are not limited by Act, or Boss, or anything like that. While you’ll have a better chance to get better items in Act IV Inferno, you could get those same items in Act I, or even Hell.
  • Our item pool philosophy is that you can break an urn and get the best item in the game – it’s all a matter of chance. Running more difficult areas and taking on more difficult enemies will not always be the most efficient way to find upgrades.
  • Previously, Inferno difficulty was mlvl 61 across all of Inferno, and now it starts at mlvl 61 and ramps up quickly in Act I and ends somewhere around 65 (?) in Act IV. We’ve only increased the difficulty.
  • I’m aware of internal bets on how many months it will take someone to beat Inferno.
  • A flat Inferno of mlvl 61 had a small curb of difficulty, and once that was over you had nowhere else to progress and no reason to. That’s boredom.
  • Boredom doesn’t generally come from content repetition, it comes from lack of ability to progress, or ease of progression.
  • By having a sharp increase in difficulty in Inferno we can encourage progression without having a brick wall of difficulty.

I think that was about it. In any case, as I said, I know the vast majority of you are excited about the game, the change we made, and trying to progress in Inferno. Just don’t feel bad when you have to go back to Hell.