Diablo 3 – release i November?
Gotgame.com påstår att de enligt ”säkra källor” från Blizzard kan avslöja att Diablo 3 planeras att släppas i november 2011. Detta rykte sammanfaller bra med den nyss utannonserade ”The Book of Cain” som också planeras att släppas i november, kanske tillsammans med collectors edition av Diablo 3? Enligt ryktet jobbar de anställda på Blizzard långa skift för att finslipa spelet inför releasen.
”Despite Activision-Blizzard’s legendary reputation for secrecy, humans are social creatures, and the juicy content of some fortuitous conversations have made their way to GotGame. An inside source has revealed that Activision-Blizzard is pushing to release Diablo 3 by NOVEMBER OF THIS YEAR, and has employees working from 9am – 2am daily to finish polishing content. It has long been rumored that D3 would be released by the end of this year, though Activision-Blizzard has inexplicitly denied this by excluding Diablo 3 from this years listed releases. This is typical of the company’s dedication to polish and finalization before officially announcing releases. Still, I hope this true and I can’t wait to play it in November, if not later.”