Diablo 3 redan #1 på bestseller-listan!
Högsommarvärmen har visst spridit sig hela vägen från Sverige till Irvine California och Bashiok måste ha fått värmeslag med tanke på hur aktiv han har varit på twitter och forumet det senaste dygnet. Här kommer en sammanfattning av det viktigaste och oviktigaste.
As much as I can. As much as we all can. You’ll certainly be getting to know the rest of the crew. They just tend to focus on WoW/SC2 for now.
Dual-wielding spears as a barbarian is fun. Polearms (2H) are a separate item class.
Their skills and traits are fundamentally different. You could build a tanky wizard, but it wouldn’t play the same as a barb
They are distributed through difficulties with each difficulty dropping items of a specific number of visual sets. So, for instance, in Normal you may see set looks one through five dropping. In Nightmare you may see the visual sets six through ten. etc. Just an example, I’m not sure how exactly they were decided to be broken out.
Sist men inte minst. Diablo 3 har klättrat till första plats på Amazons bestseller-lista. Hur är det möjligt, kan man fråga sig?
Diablo 3 get Place 1 on the Amazon Bestseller Games! http://amzn.to/ifjqR2
How is diablo a best seller before release?
Pre-orders. ;)