Demon Hunterns nya skillsystem
För några dagar sedan rapporterade vi om de planerade förändringarna i Demon Hunterns resurs och skillsystem. Med facit i hand kan vi konstatera att bearbetningen resulterade i att Demon Huntern, likt munken och barbaren, får en uppsättning genererande och spenderande färdigtheter.
I skrivande stund har förändringarna ännu inte blivit uppdaterade i betaklienten. Bashiok förklarar dock hur Hatred genererar och motiverar förändringarna.
Does Hatred still regenerate passively?
Yes, but the rate at which it regenerates is about half of what it was previously. By using a skill that generates Hatred you can get it back faster, though.
About a year ago we began to realize that the way we were making people depend on their resource for some classes just wasn’t very fun, and so we began to roll out a new skill cost philosophy. Essentially the overall idea is that at any given time (within reason) you should have some option to use a skill and be able to do something, even if you’re out of resource. What that means is we can’t just have skills that depend on resources to use, but there needs to be a mix of skills that do cost resources, potentially resource generator skills, and some free-to-cast skills (maybe with a cooldown).
The witch doctor has had mana recovery skills since forever, the monk has almost always had spirit generators, so it was really just a matter of rolling that philosophy out to the other classes, and demon hunter was the most recent (and visible now that beta is live and we’re exposing all that data).
Bonus! It makes demon hunter build diversity explode like woah.