Cooldowns i Diablo 3

forumkollCooldowns är något som vi vanligtvis förknippar med spel som World of Warcraft. Nytt för Diablo 3 är att ju bättre färdigheter du använder desto längre cooldown kommer de att ha. En låg-lvl skill kommer t.ex ha en väldigt kort eller ingen cooldown alls, medan en hög-lvl skill längst ner i färdighetsträdet kommer att ha upp till 2 minuters cooldown.

From information I had read, it sounds like you can have all of the ”high level / tier” abilities if you save your points, but it has been mentioned that the first tier items have little, to no cooldown, and the ”top tier” ones have ”lengthy cooldowns.”

So take that as you wish, but it would lead me to believe that if you have only high end cooldowns, it might suck when you have nothing to cast :(

Right, so for example, the three final skills of the barbarian tree all currently have 2 minute cooldowns. There are ways to augment those cooldowns slightly of course, but you’re still going to want a mix of skills that complement each other.