Fortsatt stresstest av auktionshusen
Vi har tidigare skrivit om det pågående stresstestet av auktionshuset för riktiga pengar, som utförs i syfte att finputsa systemet inför releasen av Diablo 3.
Bashiok meddelar att ytterligare stresstest av de båda auktionshusen kommer att genomföras under veckan. Testen kommer att pågå fram till helgen och kan medföra oväntade problem i systemet.
We’ll be placing extra strain on the beta auction house every day this week from 10:00 a.m. PST until approximately 2:00 p.m. PST, to put the system through its paces. This testing begins today and will continue through Friday, February 24. During this time there may be interruptions or loss in an ability to use the auction house. We’ll provide updates if there’s any extended downtime experienced or expected.
If you experience any issues when using the auction house during the stress test period please reply to this thread and report the issue including the date, time, and descriptive explanation of the issue encountered.