5000 inrapporterade buggar

bugBlizzard riktar ett stort tack till sina betatestare som tillsammans rapporterat in över 5000 buggar via det officiella beta-forumet. Kampen om att göra Diablo 3 till ett så bra spel som möjligt fortsätter på obestämd framtid.

I have some really cool news for you. Last night, we past 5000 bugs reported on the Bug Report forums! This is an incredible milestone for the Diablo III community, and one you should be proud of.

Here are some fun stats about bugs in the Beta:

  • The first bug was reported on 9/6/11 and can be found here
  • The most common bug ever reported was when the Battle.net servers were down during Thanksgiving 2011. It was reported over 200 times.
  • 5092 bugs have been reported since 10 AM PST on 1/25/12
  • Of the 5092 bugs reported on the forums, 856 unique bugs have been sent off to the developers to fix. (Remember, a bug reported on the forums can be a duplicate or not a bug at all).

Thank you again for all of your hard work testing the Diablo III Beta and helping Blizzard make it the best game it can possibly be. Here’s to 5000 more!

Intressant fakta är att samma siffra för World of Warcraft för ca 2 år sedan var drygt 180 000. Vi tackar Helgonet och Enkeria som tipsade om nyheten.