Bashiok besvarar frågor via Twitter

blizzardDe senaste dagarna har Bashiok besvarat ett antal Diablo-relaterade (vad annars?) frågor via twitter.

Han bekräftar bland annat att maxgränsen på 10 karaktärer per region även kommer att gälla i framtiden, samt att en ny episod av Blizzards podcast kommer att släppas inför releasen av Diablo 3.

Is the 10 character limit purely for the D3 beta? Or will we be limited to 10 characters for the full game?

We’re sticking with a 10 character limit per region for the foreseeable future.

Will Gheed or gambling be making a return in Diablo 3?

Neither. Although crafting has enough randomization that it’s pretty close to D2 gambling.

What happened to the BlizzCasts, it’s been quite some time since the last one? Can we expect new episodes?

Hrm that’s true. We were planning to have one for the D3 release. We all now where that is… :)